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POWER-MAN 31 Powder

Dry soluble manganese sulfate fertilizer

POWER-MAN 31 Powder is a manganese sulfate powder fertilizer. (Two Rivers Terminal)

  • Contains 31% manganese and 17% sulfur
  • Economical fertilizer option
  • Soluble powder, low heavy-metals formulation
  • OMRI Listed®
  • OMRI Certificate

Packaging Options
Available in 50-pound and 1-ton bags.

Product Type
Crop Nutrition Icon
Crop Nutrition
Application Type
Soil Icon
Product Line
GreenFurrow Icon
Sulfur Icon
Manganese Icon

Application Details

POWER-MAN 31 Powder may be applied by soil application.

Nutrient Function

Sulfur Icon
Sulfur is critical for forming plant proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. Sulfate is the plant-available form of sulfur and can be immediately taken up by plants. When applied via a foliar spray, sulfur can be used for pH correction in the soil and as a fungicide.
Manganese Icon
Manganese is essential for chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis, oxygen evolution and the activation of fat-forming enzymes. It is also a building block for ribosomes that are key for protein synthesis and nitrogen use in the plant. Adequate manganese levels can help prevent root diseases.
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