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NitraMar® Zinc Nitrate Solution

Liquid zinc nitrate fertilizer 

NitraMar® products are nitrate-based liquid micronutrient solutions formulated to treat specific mineral deficiencies in vegetable crops, field crops, trees, vines, turf and ornamentals. A foliar application of NitraMar® solutions, combined with a solid fertility program, helps meet a crop’s complete nutritional needs.

NitraMar® Zinc Nitrate Solution is an effective, readily available source of liquid zinc. It can be blended with other bulk fertilizers to customize a fertility program that meets a crop’s nutritional requirements.

  • Contains 7% nitrogen and 16% zinc
  • True solution formulation that contains nitrate-nitrogen
  • Convenient and flexible for foliar, soil or irrigation applications
  • Soluble, plant-available formulation of zinc and nitrogen
  • Low pH nutrient formulation suitable for high pH soils

Packaging Options
Available in 5-gallon pails, 275-gallon totes and bulk volumes.

Product Type
Crop Nutrition Icon
Crop Nutrition
Application Type
Soil Icon
Fertigation Icon
Product Line
BlueTerra Icon
Nitrogen Icon
Zinc Icon

Application Details

NitraMar® Zinc Nitrate Solution may be applied pre-plant as a starter, side-dressed, fertigated, top-dressed or banded to the soil. It can also be applied as a foliar spray and is compatible with most water sprays, pesticides and liquid fertilizers except for phosphate-containing fertilizers.

Nutrient Function

Nitrogen Icon
Nitrogen is the main plant protein component and is needed in large quantities for healthy plant growth. Nitrogen deficiency can lead to root disease, reduced photosynthesis, stunted plants and reduced crop yield, while sufficient nitrogen can increase tolerance to early-season soil diseases.
Zinc Icon
Zinc helps facilitate enzyme function for protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in the plant. It is essential for chloroplast formation and auxin metabolism. Auxins are plant hormones that help regulate growth and development, including cell division and flower initiation. Low zinc levels in the soil can increase vulnerability to root diseases such as phytophthora.
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