GreenFurrow® Organics Nutri-Drive®
Nutrient use efficiency ingredient
GreenFurrow® Organics Nutri-Drive® is a versatile biological ingredient that supports better nutrient use efficiency leading to healthier plants, optimized crop yield and quality, and increased grower profitability. This proprietary technology is available in many of Mar Vista Resources’ fertilizer products and is also available as an ingredient to make custom blends.
- Improves nutrient use efficiency to optimize crop health, yield and quality
- Improves tolerance to abiotic stresses, including heat and drought
- Organic-certified, making it ideal for both organic and conventional crop production
- Supports more sustainable production practices by improving product efficacy
- One label for all crop uses simplifies application
- Contains 0.01% molybdenum to enhance nitrogen use efficiency
Packaging Options
Available in 2.5-gallon jugs, 275-gallon totes and bulk truckloads.
Product Type
Crop Nutrition
Enhanced Products
Application Type
Product Line
Application Details
GreenFurrow® Organics Nutri-Drive® is compatible with most liquid fertilizers, including organic nutrients. The inclusion rate is 4-8 ounces per acre of applied fertilizer. Foliar applications should use the lower (4 oz.) rate. Soil application in combination with fertilizers may be more effective at the higher (8 oz.) rate.
Nutrient Function
Molybdenum is vital for nitrogen utilization and protein synthesis, and in legumes, it is crucial for nitrogen fixation. It is typically needed in small amounts compared to other micronutrients, and soil availability increases with pH level. Molybdenum will compete with phosphorous and sulfur in the soil for root uptake.