GreenFurrow® Organics Iron 5%
Gluconic acid complexed liquid iron and sulfur fertilizer
GreenFurrow® Organics Iron 5% has been specifically formulated to prevent and correct iron and sulfur deficiencies. It is a completely water-soluble aqueous solution.
- Contains 5% iron and 4% sulfur
- Gluconic acid complexed micronutrients
- Easily absorbed and transported by plants
- Low pH formulation
- Clear formulations with no undissolved solids
- OMRI Listed®
Packaging Options
Available in 2.5-gallon jugs, 275-gallon totes and bulk truckloads.
Product Type
Crop Nutrition
Enhanced Products
Application Type
Product Line
Application Details
GreenFurrow® Organics Iron 5% may be applied alone, with pesticides, or with other fertilizers to the soil or foliage using ground sprayers, aircraft and fertigation systems.
Nutrient Function
Sulfur is critical for forming plant proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. Sulfate is the plant-available form of sulfur and can be immediately taken up by plants. When applied via a foliar spray, sulfur can be used for pH correction in the soil and as a fungicide.
Iron is essential for chlorophyll formation and supporting healthy vegetative growth and efficient photosynthesis. It is critical for oxygen production in the plant. Iron is a mobile nutrient but is not transported from old leaves to new ones, often resulting in deficiencies in older leaves. Iron availability in the soil declines as soil pH increases above 4.