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GreenFurrow® Organics 8% Calcium

Gluconic acid complexed liquid calcium fertilizer

GreenFurrow® Organics 8% Calcium has been specifically formulated to prevent and correct calcium deficiencies. It is a completely water-soluble aqueous solution.

  • Gluconic acid complexed micronutrient
  • Easily absorbed and transported by plants
  • Low pH formulation
  • Clear formulations with no undissolved solids
  • OMRI Listed®

Packaging Options
Available in 2.5-gallon jugs, 275-gallon totes and bulk truckloads.

Product Type
Crop Nutrition Icon
Crop Nutrition
Enhanced Products Icon
Enhanced Products
Application Type
Soil Icon
Foliar Icon
Fertigation Icon
Product Line
GreenFurrow Icon
Calcium Icon

Application Details

GreenFurrow® Organics 8% Calcium may be applied alone, with pesticides, or with other fertilizers to the soil or foliage using ground sprayers, aircraft and fertigation systems.

Nutrient Function

Calcium Icon
Calcium is essential for strong cell walls within a plant, which discourages nutrient leaching. The nutrient also helps delay senescence in leaves and fruit to retain fruit. Calcium availability will depend on healthy interactions with magnesium, potassium and ammonium levels in the soil. Boron can also help the plant uptake and translocate calcium.
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