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FoliMar® ZinCa Bloom®

Liquid nitrogen, calcium and zinc fertilizer

FoliMar® ZinCa Bloom® is a foliar-applied liquid fertilizer formulated to prevent or correct calcium and zinc deficiencies in a wide range of crops. It contains a premium source of plant-based amino acids to facilitate uptake and nutrient use efficiency. Calcium and zinc are crucial for healthy blooms in permanent crops.

  • Contains 5% nitrogen, 5% calcium and 2.5% zinc
  • Plant-available forms of calcium and zinc for immediate plant uptake
  • Beneficial during periods of peak nutrient demand
  • Increases nutrient uptake and translocation

Packaging Options
Available in 2.5-gallon jugs, 275-gallon totes and bulk volumes.

Product Type
Crop Nutrition Icon
Crop Nutrition
Enhanced Products Icon
Enhanced Products
Application Type
Foliar Icon
Product Line
BlueTerra Icon
Nitrogen Icon
Calcium Icon
Zinc Icon

Application Details

FoliMar® ZinCa Bloom® fertilizer is formulated for foliar applications for select crops. It should be applied during periods of high nutrient demand or to correct nutrient deficiencies in labeled crops.

Nutrient Function

Nitrogen Icon
Nitrogen is the main plant protein component and is needed in large quantities for healthy plant growth. Nitrogen deficiency can lead to root disease, reduced photosynthesis, stunted plants and reduced crop yield, while sufficient nitrogen can increase tolerance to early-season soil diseases.
Calcium Icon
Calcium is essential for strong cell walls within a plant, which discourages nutrient leaching. The nutrient also helps delay senescence in leaves and fruit to retain fruit. Calcium availability will depend on healthy interactions with magnesium, potassium and ammonium levels in the soil. Boron can also help the plant uptake and translocate calcium.
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