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AcidiGrow® 3-13-3

Low pH formulation of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium

AcidiGrow® formulations are low pH, low salt index, clear liquid solutions ideal for high pH soils where nutrient tie-up is a concern. The low pH supports consistent nutrient availability for fertigation applications. All phosphate is in the orthophosphate form for compatibility with hard water sources. AcidiGrow® formulations contain fully EDTA- chelated micronutrients to enhance nutrient availability and plant uptake.

AcidiGrow® 3-13-3 is a low pH phosphorus formulation that includes nitrogen and potassium.

  • Value-added fertilizer for lowering soil solution pH
  • Improves micronutrient availability and plant uptake
  • Includes a micronutrient blend of iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc

Nutrient Function
Phosphorus is required for adequate cell membrane function and is crucial for a plant’s metabolic processes, including root and vegetative growth, flowering, and seed production. Nitrogen is the main plant protein component and is needed in large quantities for healthy plant growth. Nitrogen deficiency can lead to root disease, reduced photosynthesis, stunted plants and reduced crop yield, while sufficient nitrogen can increase tolerance to early-season soil diseases.

Potassium is critical for cell wall water balance regulation and sugar production and transportation within the plant. Adequate potassium levels support pest and disease tolerance by enhancing stem strength.

Zinc helps facilitate enzyme function for protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in the plant. It is essential for chloroplast formation and auxin metabolism. Auxins are plant hormones that help regulate growth and development, including cell division and flower initiation. Low zinc levels in the soil can increase vulnerability to root diseases such as phytophthora.

Manganese is essential for chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis, oxygen evolution and the activation of fat-forming enzymes. It is also a building block for ribosomes that are key for protein synthesis and nitrogen use in the plant. Adequate manganese levels can help prevent root diseases.

Iron is essential for chlorophyll formation and supporting healthy vegetative growth and efficient photosynthesis. It is critical for oxygen production in the plant. Iron is a mobile nutrient but is not transported from old leaves to new ones, often resulting in deficiencies in older leaves. Iron availability in the soil declines as soil pH increases above 4.

Molybdenum is vital for nitrogen utilization and protein synthesis, and in legumes, it is crucial for nitrogen fixation. It is typically needed in small amounts compared to other micronutrients, and soil availability increases with pH level. Molybdenum will compete with phosphorous and sulfur in the soil for root uptake.

Packaging Options
Available in totes and bulk truckload.

Product Type
Crop Nutrition Icon
Crop Nutrition
Application Type
Fertigation Icon
Soil Icon
Product Line
BlueTerra Icon
Nitrogen Icon
Phosphorus Icon
Potassium Icon
Zinc Icon
Manganese Icon
Iron Icon
Molybdenum Icon

Application Details

AcidiGrow® 3-13-3 solution may be applied pre-plant, as a starter, side-dressed, fertigated via drip and micro-sprinkler systems, top-dressed, or banded to the soil. Dilute with water if needed to ensure uniform distribution.

Nutrient Function

Nitrogen Icon
Nitrogen is the main plant protein component and is needed in large quantities for healthy plant growth. Nitrogen deficiency can lead to root disease, reduced photosynthesis, stunted plants and reduced crop yield, while sufficient nitrogen can increase tolerance to early-season soil diseases.
Phosphorus Icon
Phosphorus is required for adequate cell membrane function and is crucial for a plant’s metabolic processes, including root and vegetative growth, flowering, and seed production.
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